Build Your Custom System

Discover-It-Yourself Raman
Our Discover-It-Yourself product line allows for full customization to ensure you get the accuracy and repeatability that you require for your specific measurements.

We Will Help You Find The Perfect System

Pre-optimized tiers of spectrometers are available for the UV-VIS system. Each tier is built with your application in mind with proper sampling and light source recommendations. The spectrometers are all designed with important parameters like Stray Light and Quantum Efficiency in mind to ensure value from entry level to high performance systems.

DIY Raman Building Blocks
Are you exploring the realm of what Raman can do for you? Our DIY building blocks have the flexibility of arranging key components using light travel via fiber optics starting with laser, spectrometer, sampling probes/cuvette holders which are assembled on our base breadboard platform.

DIY Extended Range
The Discover-It-Yourself series from Metrohm Spectro is designed to help develop new Raman applications and explore samples your way. The Extended Range DIY system (DIY-ER) is unique because it measures the Raman spectrum in stretch and fingerprint regions using a single detector and two laser lines. The software then “stitches” the two spectra together to give you the complete Raman spectrum with easy sampling. Overcome challenges with fluorescence interference using the DIY-ER.

DIY Low Frequency
The Low-Frequency DIY system (DIY-LF) is unique because it measures the Raman spectrum on the anti-Stokes region, across the laser excitation line, and into the Stokes region. Powerful filters remove scattering within about 5 cm-1 of the laser line to give you access to structural Raman data that is unavailable through other techniques.